The Circular School, ready for 2050
To prepare the schoolinfrastructure of the Province of Antwerp for 2050 in a sustainable manner, we had to rethink classical school concepts. Our mission was to maximize space utilization, prioritize flexibility, and ensure that these facilities would serve a broader societal purpose. In collaboration with the Province of Antwerp and Cenergie, we formed a multidisciplinary consortium to address these challenges effectively.
The project 'The Circular School,' brought together a diverse range of expertise. This encompassed a deep understanding of the pedagogical and social aspects, as well as a insight into the current technological possibilities. Additionally, we possessed the capability to quantitatively analyze the advantages and disadvantages of various approaches.
Together, we developed a long-term vision for the schoolinfrastructure of the Province of Antwerp. These ambitions were put to the test through a case study focusing on the development of innovative HVAC concepts, where circularity and flexibility were at the forefront of our efforts.